Environment Variables and Strings()

Nathan Lawson (nlawson@statler.csc.calpoly.edu)
Sat, 3 Dec 1994 16:38:12 -0800 (PST)

> A better solution is to smash the _entire_ environment flat, except for
> specific ones, such as TZ, that can be reasonably assumed to be safe (I
> hope - anyone broken into a system with the TZ variable? :-)

What is the best way to do this?  I have seen several different methods and
was interested in the most effective one.  This will definitely be a recurring
issue, as the past has shown.

> ObBugDetectingHint: (I thought this to be obvious, but I've mentioned it
> to a few people who hadnt realised it, so may as well send it on)
> You can get an idea for whether a program is doing something stupid like a
> system() or popen() with 'strings'. For example, something like 
> /bin/mail %s
> is usually a bit of a giveaway that someone is doing something stupid, and
> you might be able to break it.

I just wanted to add that Ultrix binaries are really helpful in the fact that
'strings' reports which parts of the standard library are used.  For example:

wonker% strings /usr/bin/mail | egrep 'system|popen'

> (bonus points if you can spot the program that the above is from :-)

Expreserve (boy what a memory  :-)
